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'세계의 이모 저모'에 해당되는 글 11

  1. 2010.05.10 김정은 북한 후계자 사진
세계의 이모 저모 | Posted by 졸당16세 2010. 5. 10. 13:25

김정은 북한 후계자 사진

공산국가의 기본 이념도 무시하는 북한의 독재권력 김씨 왕조건설 의지로 김정은 을 후계자로 삼았다

여타의 공산국가는 세습체제를 용납안한다. 그런데도 북한은 김일성에 이어 김정일  김정은 3대로 이어저

내려갈 구도가 확실시 되고있다.

그런데 이름자 중에 공통점이 보인다 김일성 아들 김정일  자가 김일성의 이름첮자 이다 김정일의 

아들 김정은 은 자가 김정일의 이름 첮자 으로 같다 둘다 아비의 이름 첮 자를  이름자로 사용하고있다.

우연인가 의도적인가  아무튼 김씨왕조가 그대로 유질될런지 굼금하다 !

사용자 삽입 이미지

이초상화는 김일성 초상화를 김정은


이라 잘못된 이미지정보입니다



               김정은 실물사진

김정일 세쩨 아들은 김정운 이 아니고 김정은 로 밝혀짐

김일성 점을때와 아주 많이닮았다.

김정일 독재자, 셋째  아들, 김 왕조의 다음 후계자 입니다

원문 내용

If true, Kim Jong Un, the dictator’s third son and youngest son, would be the next successor to the Kim dynasty. According to Merrily Baird, a former CIA analyst and expert on North Korea’s leadership, Jong Un is a son by a woman named Ko Yong Hui to whom Kim Jong Il is not beleived to be married.

Of course, the selection of a successor does not necessarily mean anything in and of itself. Kim Jong Il was appointed to succeed his father in 1974, 20 years before Kim Il Song passed away. That appointment was carried out without any formal announcement being made, just as there are no reports from the Central Korean News Agency of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) to corroborate the the succession appointment. So it is unclear whether this news, if accurate, has any great significance. However, indications of Kim Jong Il’s poor health does lead one to wonder what this might mean for the future of North Korea and the region more generally.

According to the Yonhap story, Jong Un is only 25 years old, was educated abroad, and is a fan of NBA basketball. Kim Jong Un is believed -like his father- to have diabetes , but, given his youth, this is not as likely to prove fatal in the near term as might be a power struggle. Presuming that Kim Jong Il is not long for this world, Jong Un would come to power at about half the age that his father did and about seven years younger than his father was when the elder Kim was selected to succeed. Jong Un will not have established himself as a rightful heir through many years in positions of power. The fact that there are two older sons, though to women to which the dictator is not believed to have been married (the women he married bore him daughters), could also make Jong Un’s transition more challenging than his father’s (who was an eldest son.)

It will be interesting to see whether Kim Jong Un will be able to take and maintain the mantle of power, and what that would mean for Korea and the region. Of course, I would not expect any great changes in North Korea regardless of whether Kim Jong Il passes on and who succeeds. Even if Kim Jong Un were inclined to be a reformer, this would likely antagonize many people in key positions. (i.e. When you are involved in as despicable a regime as that of Kim Jong Il, more power for the people may mean a rope around your neck.) However, whoever or whatever (e.g. the military) assumes leadership in the DPRK may radically increase regional stability if they can merely reduce the government’s penchant for crisis bargaining (i.e. that common trait Kim Jong Il stratagem of conducting provocative maneuvers such as missile and nuclear weapons tests or quiting the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty [NPT] as attempted negotiating strategies.)